Blogda Aramak İçin TIKLAYINIZ

Tarihten Haritalar

ankara savaşı

Eminönü 1922

İstanbul Umumi Planı

Hisarlar, İstanbul ve çevresi



Cezayir-i Bahr-ı Sefid (12 ada)

Aya Stefanos, Makriköy, Kuruçeşme, Arnavutköy, Bebek, Rumelihisarı, Boyacıköy, Emirgan

Anadolu Sayfiye ciheti

İstanbul ve civarının haritası

filibe sancağı Kiepert, 1876

1681, Paskaart van der Witte Zee, Amsterdam, Johannes van Keulen

1799, Situation of the French Ships of War at Toulon, on the Evening of the 18th Decr. 1793, London, Bunney and Gold

1681, Paskaart van't Noordelskyte deel der Noort Zee, Amsterdam, Johannes van Keulen

1783, The British Channel, including the Coasts of England and France. London

1758?, A View of the Town and Castle of Carrickfergus/A Chart of the Irish Sea

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